FAQ – when in doubt, please contact emjm@aissprogram.eu and Merja Bauters.

1.What are the time slots we spend in other universities?

  • Mid-August 2024– end of January 2025 TALLINN (First semester)
  • February 2025 – end of August 2025 PORTO (Second semester)
  • Mid-August 2025 – Mid-January 2026 TAMPERE (Third semester)
  • From early February until the end of July 2026, either TAMPERE, PORTO or TALLINN (Fourth semester and graduation)

2. Insurances: where do you get them? How are insurance costs refunded to the students? Length of the insurance period? Should you have separate insurance for each country of mobility?
The Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters have specific rules about what the insurance must cover. https://aissprogram.eu/insurance-guidelines/

  1. We cannot refund the insurance if the one you have is not complying with EMJM insurance rules.
  2. Insurance is usually taken for 24 months. It means you need to renew it after a year; you need to have insurance for the duration of your studies.
  3. The insurance company should be able to provide you one insurance that covers all three countries you go to during mobility
  4. We have found insurance companies that state they comply with EMJM insurance rules. These are:
    i) AON https://www.aonstudentinsurance.com/en/home/
    ii) Expat & Co https://expatinsurance.eu/en
    iii) Erasmus + Insurance https://www.erasmus-plus-insurance.com/quotation/comprehensive
  5. To get the refund, bring with you to TallinnUniversity  the following documents:
    i) The insurance description so we can check what it covers
    ii) The original receipt from the insurance company of the costs
    iii) Bank statement of the payment from where it was paid

NOTE: If it is OK for acquiring your VISA, you can take the insurance for one semester first and continue it, when it expires.

NOTE AON insurance company (from Admiraliteitskade 62 3063 ED Rotterdam The Netherlands) recommends to “Please take out insurance as an Erasmus exchange student and cover the entire period.”

NOTE: Swisscare doe snot cover pregnancy! EMJM rules say that the insurance has to cover it. So women cannot take Swisscare insurance.
It does cover all of our three countries, see answer:

Our insurance does not cover the following:
  • Pregnancy/Childbirth
  • Mental disorders
  • Suicide

You can find the general insurance conditions for the insurance: It mentions the coverage and limitations.

Our insurance is very popular in the destination you mentioned. To get a visa, our insurance is valid in all 3 countries.

3. VISA issues

The forms remain available if you want to support our initiative to facilitate visa issues, we would really appreciate if you could:

  • offer the opportunity to your students or recently graduated alumni to share their cases by filling the students/alumni form.

4. Accommodation

There are several options for finding accommodation in a private room or flat in Tallinn. Keep in mind that finding accommodation may take time. Therefore, do not leave finding a place to live on the last minute and try to find a place as soon as possible. Please read carefully about options to find a place to stay in Tallinn and also how to avoid scam while searching for a flat/ room in s dormitory/apartment/ house.