
The Erasmus Mundus requirements for the insurance are below. The student is required to have insurance that meets the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master requirements. It is mandatory for all students.

The insurance scheme must take effect from when the students start their journey to participate in the master course (maximum two months before the start of the master course) and until at least two months after the end of the studies (end of the course, unless the student leaves earlier).

The cover must include:

– sickness, pregnancy/childbirth and accident, in particular:

– direct payment of hospital stays

– reimbursement of outpatient care and other medical expenses

– 100% cover for doctor’s fees, medicines, examinations and analyses prescribed by a physician, urgent dental care following an accident, all hospital expenses and surgical fees (including advances on hospital expenses), repatriation in the event of serious illness or accident

– costs for urgent dental care without accident up to 250 EUR per year

– non-permanent and non-chronic mental disorders

– pregnancies of less than 6 months (at the moment of departure from the home country to participate in the action) may not be excluded from cover

– death (whether attributable to the activities under the action or not and covering all cases, including suicide), in particular:

– transport of the mortal remains to the place chosen by the deceased’s family

– funeral and laying-out costs

– costs of the coffin

– permanent invalidity (whether attributable to the activities under the action or not), in particular partial or full permanent disability resulting from an accident

– third party liability occasioned by physical or material damage to third parties (as provided for under the applicable national law)

– theft and loss of personal belongings, in particular:

– identification documents (identity card, passport, etc.)

– travel tickets

– luggage

– the entire enrolment period (including mobility periods and worldwide travel required for the participation in the master course)

 Family members of students can sign the same insurance coverage at their own expense, regardless of their age.

The consortium assists the students in the administrative procedures (including visa requirements) and ensure that the mobility declaration in the Portal Continuous Reporting tool where the enrolled students are encoded is regularly updated, including when an update is explicitly requested by the granting authority and makes sure that the students are informed about the collection and processing of personal data by the granting authority (including data in the mobility declaration)

Insurance are offered by:

If you are a citizen of an EU/EEA country, Switzerland or the UK, you must have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or Global Health Insurance Card (UK GHIC),

European Health Insurance Card

If you have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), you do not need to take out other insurance. By presenting the European Health Insurance Card, you can prove your right to necessary medical treatment in another EU or EEA country and in Switzerland.

Your card must be valid for the duration of your stay in Finland. Under EU legislation, you can access health care at the same cost and under the same conditions as people living permanently in Finland. With the card, you can get medical treatment if you become suddenly ill or have an accident. You can also get medical treatment if you have a chronic illness that requires medical attention. The card also gives access to necessary treatment during pregnancy and childbirth.

The European Health Insurance Card is recognised within the public health care services as well as by private doctors and hospitals that have signed a health insurance agreement. More information on the European Health Insurance Card can be found on the website of the website of the European Commission.